1800 8ARROW


Mount Thorley Warkworth (MTW) mine complex

Aboriginal scarred tree salvage and relocation

Arrow Heritage Solutions were recently engaged by Mount Thorley Warkworth Mine to develop and implement a plan for the removal and relocation of three Aboriginal scarred trees located within an approved mining area.  This complex project required careful planning with local Aboriginal stakeholders, arborists and mine personnel to remove the trees safely and carefully. Heavy […]
Queensland Alumina LTD

Heritage System Improvements

Arrow was engaged by Queensland Alumina Ltd (QAL) to review the adequacy of their existing Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP), as well as their cultural heritage procedures and GIS, and to upgrade these systems where required.
Mt Arthur Coal

Survey & Salvage Program

Mt Arthur Coal (MAC) have development consent to expand and continue their existing mine into currently undisturbed areas.
Hunter Valley Operations

Annual Aboriginal Sites Audits

At Hunter Valley Operations (HVO) mine, Arrow are engaged to conduct biannual reviews of their Aboriginal Heritage Management Plans (AHMPs) to ensure operational compliance with AHMP provisions and procedures.

Mine Extension Heritage Approvals

The Mount Thorley Warkworth (MTW) mine has recently gained approval for a major extension. As part of this mining approvals process, Aboriginal cultural heritage (ACH) was a key aspect that required careful management and detailed consultation.